I didn't make this cloth baby book but rather discovered it at a garage sale. It's great for restaurants where you want a toy that's quiet and engaging. It's a good thing too because I can't sew to save my life:-) Even though I didn't make it I thought I would share it here for those of you who know your way around a sewing machine and would like to make one. I can't offer instructions but hopefully the pictures will be enough to get you started.

Peek a boo eggs


Match the shapes with pocket

Make the clowns face

Pockets of various sizes to put things in.

Match the colors.

Count to ten or move beads up and down on their strings.

Make a ball puzzel.

Ladybug with zipper and baby ladybugs inside pouch.

Tie the shoes.

Put flowers on the buttons

Learn about stop lights, put the lights in the right place.
I love this! What a fantastic idea! :)